Saturday, October 01, 2005

Anthropomorphize this!

In a stunning move of intellectual curiosity, I passed over both Fantastic Four and Sahara to watch March of the Penguins on the plane.

Emily had played me an NPR podcast with (my pseudo-personal-folk-hero) Kurt Andersen commenting on fundamentalist proponents of intelligent design citing the movie as proof of their way of looking at the world. As such, I was ready for a movie that showed such an amazingly well oiled system of survival and species propogation that I would doubt it could have "evolved".

Well, lemme tell you, if that's "intelligent" design, then I should be doing my post doc in Species Conjuring. Anything involving 4 (count 'em!) FOUR seperate death-tempting, 70 mile walks across the icey tundra, just so you can breed in the same God foresaken place every year because you, as a species, are too stupid to get the heck out on Antarctica and go live in Rio de Janerio (WHERE YOU'D BE JUST FINE!), is not particularly intelligent by anyone's estimation. Cute? Yes. Touching? Yes. Intelligent? Not so much.

That's all of that. Next post will be pictures of Big Ben...I promise. Otherwise, I watched the map channel for 5 hours.


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